添加时间:Second, it was revealed that actions directed in part by the FBI led to serious and repeated violations of Ms. Meng’s rights under the Charter. According to the evidence disclosed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) of Canada, the arrest of Meng at the airport was a coordinated effort of three departments: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and the FBI. The RCMP intentionally delayed the presentation of the arrest warrant in order to carry out unlawful detention and search against Meng under the pretense of a routine border check. Her luggage was searched. Her cellphone and other electronic devices were seized at the direction of the FBI – and she was compelled to reveal her passwords. More key evidence regarding this case remains in the hands of the RCMP, the CBSA and the DOJ. Ms. Meng will apply to the court, asking the RCMP, CBSA, and DOJ to disclose more evidence on this matter.
责任编辑:梁斌 SF055中新网泉州5月30日电 (李晨 潘伟峰)福建海警第二支队30日透露,该支队在泉州江滨公园附近海域救起一名跳海轻生的男子。经了解,该男子因与女友争吵,遂产生轻生情绪;海警官兵细心调解后,男子与女友互相道歉并握手言和。
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